Die wilden Felder und der Krieger / animated short film

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Die wilden Felder und der Krieger / animated short film

Benjamin Scabell - Digital Compositor
Published by Skaibl in 2008 · 1 January 2008
Tags: ShortFilmvfxFusionListAllParticles
created by: Nils Eckhardt / Moon Suk Kang
year: 2008
my parts: vfx

For the animated short  film "Die wilden Felder und der Krieger" by Nils Eckhardt and Moon Suk  Kang I created some subtle vfx like sparkles (particles), glowing stars and sunsets in  the background.

shots from this project can be seen in my Showreel 2010.

Post sources:

My Linkedin Profile
My imdb Profile
My Zerply Profile
Website by Benjamin Scabell, copyright 2007-2025
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